Friday, August 7, 2009


Here are some summer pictures. Let the good times roll.

Me planting my garden back in May. Love that hair.

Acorn squash, 2 months later.

More Squash.

Tomatoes everywhere!!! We have lots, like 5 different kinds. I wish my peppers had done half as well.

Wedding #1. I play rugby with the guy on the right, M'Bui.

Wedding #2. Donna went to school with the bride, Jen.

Sorry I have no pictures of Wedding #3. I am waiting Marijan and Amy.

Canada Day in Ottawa. That's the PM's Caravan.

Saw this guy on the way home from a wedding. He is actually eating a cob of corn while driving. I am no better. I took the picture of this guy while driving.

Donna's best friend Jen (and Carlton's) new baby Jacen.

He is actually very squirmy and right after this picture was taken, cried for like 20 minutes straight.
Jennifer and Carlton's first boy, Jayden.
Our last night in Vancouver, Donna and I went down to the beach to enjoy the Fireworks competition.
It was a gorgeous night, until the bugs came out.
Donna and I enjoying the backyard.
Summer is exhausting.

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