Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Humanitarian Award Recipient

Well, Donna and I got back into town yesterday from Vancouver. It was an eventful trip. Here are some of the highlights:

#1) I went back to town mainly to see my Old Man who started his chemo the day I got back. He looked pretty crumby and was really polite so I knew something was up. However, by the end of the trip he was back to his old cantankerous self, arguing with anyone who wanted to (and some who didn't) and complaining about various sports teams (Canucks, Jays, BC Lions). All this despite a couple more rounds of chemo. He eats lots and is enjoying is semi-diabetic diet. Who knew cancer could be beaten with crankiness? Anyway, for those of you who are wondering, he is doing pretty well.

#2) Too much food. Since Kingston is not exactly a mecca for dinning out, especially if you want Asian food, I tried to eat my fill... which I did and then some. Sushi, dim sum, Sushi, Chinese, dim sum, Chinese, sushi... I did my best. That added to Mama's delicious home cooking, and eating over at the Lee Household (thanks Ms. Lee) equaled a 5 or 6 extra pounds of mid-section luggage to bring back to Kingston. I tried my best to exercise on a regular basis, and did so for most of the trip, but it still happened.

#3) My brother and his wife came back to town as well, with their new car and ridiculous athletic regime. By ridiculous, I don't mean the actual routine itself... exercise, almost any kind, is good for you. I am talking about my brother's new found desire for 18" "Pipes" by Christmas. I'm sorry, I know Hogan knows best, but is Hulkamania still running wild in your brain? All the same, it was nice to have him home and I think my parents appreciated having us both around.

#4) 4-day stag up at Lilloette Lake, just the other side of Pemberton. OK, so i have been trying to cut down my drinking... an easy way to lose a few pounds and stay relatively healthy. A 4-day stag with a bunch of hooligans from high school is not the way to accomplish this. I won't say much, and I have a few pictures to post, but I will say this: inflatable couch + lake + tasty beverage = really good time. Congrats to Shawn and Simone!!

We "kidnapped" Shawn from his townhouse friday night.

Simone helping Shawn into his weekend attire.

When the van doesn't stop, you need to pee in a bag (actually the bag is designed for this, it includes a chemical tat turns the urine into a gel...still gross though).

That's me on the inflatable couch. SWEEEET!!!

Big campfire. Too hot for people to sit around ironically.

#5) Had the opportunity to see all my friends back in Vancouver. Most are staying put, but the odd one is off trying to find adventure (Iku is going to Japan for a year. I am predicting the Japanese will launch some sort of counter offensive by mid-Winter. For those of you who do not know Iku, he is awesome and hilarious, but sending him to a foreign country where he could reek and unlimited amount of damage would be seen in most cases as some sort of invasion by Western forces) and a few are even getting married. I can't believe that Marijan is getting married before me. The sky will fall next. You guys were all great, especially Joe and Maggie for picking me up and for putting up with me.

Donna and I at Spanish Banks. We had a little walk and watched the beach soccer tournament

#6)2008 BLRC Kiwi Touch Tournament Champions. Joe was nice enough to sign me up on his team for the annual Kiwi Touch Tournament at the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club. All I can say is this. They played one game without me, a loss, and after I got there we went undefeated, including beating a combined team (all other teams Vs. us) in the finals. Yee-Haw. The return of the Touchmaster has become legend.

#7) Free stuff. If a friend in need is a friend indeed, then I could be the best friend ever. I got a ton of nice stuff, most of it for free. I bought new shoes, no big deal I needed new runners. My parents having had enough of my complaining about doing this around the house, got me a DIY book, with lots of pictures. My buddy John hooked me up with some new controllers for my Xbox 360 (read #8... so sad), and Donna's parents bought me a new camera (an early birthday present). Thanks to all those people who got me stuff. I love you too.

Our free trip to science world Pierre got us tickets)

Donna putting someone together. She could not do it. Scared?

#8) Donna broke my Xbox 360. Apparently, and I only have her story to go on, she was playing a DVD for some friends and got the "red ring of death." I got home and tried it and it worked... for about 10 minutes then died. I think it is still under warranty (there is some discretion, but I think my arguing and belligerence are up to the task).

#9) We went to a very nice wedding up at the Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club. Congratulations Tania and Wilson. A really hot day that was saved by shade and air conditioning, there was a tone of good food and dancing. Yes, I dance at weddings (usually when there is an open bar, not necessary this time, I was driving). Donna and I had a good time, and we look forward to the next bash.

Wedding pics.

#10) Flight delays and baggage mishaps. Our flight got into Toronto just fine. Then we had mechanical delays in TO. That was followed by weather delays (we heard the "Code Red" lightning warnings where everybody gets off the field, except the guy fueling our plane. Cool huh?) Our plane was the only one to get off and into Kingston relatively on time (our flight was 3 hours late... this compared to 3 others that came into Kingston 5-7 hours later than scheduled). To top it all off, only some of our luggage made it on. Thankfully, the rest of it arrived later that night (with the other flights) and we picked it up this morning.

It was a great time in Vancouver. What was humanitarian about all that you ask? That happened early this evening when I went to turn on the BBQ for some steaks. I found a bunch of matting and stuffing inside. How did that happen I say? Well, just as I am about to get rid of it, a mouse runs out of the nest into the corner. I am about to turn on the burning, thereby removing the mouse from the BBQ (I assumed it would run pretty quick at that point) when I realized it was a Mother carrying babies (3 of them to be exact). Now, I am a lot of things, but I am no baby killer, regardless of species. Let's just say that a garden stake, bucket, pair of gloves and 30 minutes later the Mom finally ran out out, carrying her brood. One fell along the way as the Mom ran into the garage. I tried chasing them out, but eventually gave that up. I went back tot he one who had fallen and realized it wasn't really moving. I picked him up, carried him to the front of the garage and left him there squeaking, hoping that Mommy would come get him. It only took like 2 minutes for that to happen, so I carried on, removing nesting materials from the BBQ and making steak. Now, is that not worth something from the SPCA?

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