Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sooooo Irritating!!

OK, so those of you who know me, know that I get irritated by many things. Not as many things as my brother, who gets irritated by many things, but there are a few things that really stick in my craw.

One of these things has become an increasingly bad problem around Kingston as the weather has gotten worse and Winter continues to pound our city. I can't understand why people can't return their shopping carts to one of the many places most stores provide for you to put them when you are done using them. You are not even required to take them all the back tot he store - just to the spot provided for you in the middle of the parking lot (usually). My favourite yesterday was the guy who left his cart 2 stalls away from the cart deposit. 2 stalls. Now, what I ask, would drive a person to be so inconsiderate as to leave their cart in the inappropriate place and take-up a parking spot for a cart you are no longer using?

The next time you think that you are in too much of a hurry that you can't be a useful, contributing member of society and you need to leave your cart in a place that is convenient for you and nobody else, try thinking about what it would be like to shop without a cart. That's what I'd make you do if I was running the zoo.

As a side note for those people who have never been to Kingston (which I really like by the way), the busiest spot for dinner that Donna and I saw while driving back from Toronto on Valentine's Day: The Lucky Star Chinese Buffet in Kingston. The line-up was outside the door.

Also, just a few quick facts about Hong Kong (for a few friends who were unsure about such things):

#1) It is in the Northern Hemi-sphere

#2) It belongs to China and is populated by Chinese people... it is not part of Japan and is not really located near Tokyo.

#3) Yes, the British used to own it, but that was over 10 years ago. Try to keep up with ground-breaking news please.

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