Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Semester II

So the second semester just started yesterday and I am happy to report that I have moved into town for the time being. This semester I will be at Bayridge Secondary School, which is nice becuase not only is it a good school, but it is only a 10 minute drive from my house. This of course means several things:

#1) I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn every morning. This also means I can stay up late and watch Primetime TV until 11:00. Whoa-Hoo.

#2) I get to see the sunlight.

#3) I get to go the gym after school, and still get home in time to make and eat dinner before 7:00.

I know it doesn't sound like much, but instead of eating and going to bed everynight, then getting up and working... and repeating everyday, I actually get a few hours to myself every night in which I can work, watch TV, play Rockband... or do nothing.

Donna and I started making lists for the wedding, trying to plan a venue and decide who to invite, and blahblahblahblahblah. It was hard to do with the scratching noises coming from our chimney. That's right, we have something living in our chimney. We tried to get rid of the varment by ourselves, but that didn't work and now we are on to professionals. Hey, it's only money right?

Stay Frosty.

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